CCI Training Center’s IT programs prepare you to sit for the certification exam offered in many of the classes you take in your selected program. Our industry-standard materials and instructors with real-world IT experience are the key drivers to helping you get certified FAST!

About CCI Training Center's IT Certifications

CCI Training Center’s IT programs prepare you to earn a certification for nearly every class you take in your selected program. Our industry-standard materials and instructors with real-world IT experience are the key drivers to helping you get certified FAST! Careers in IT are booming and companies need qualified, well-trained candidates to fill critical positions. CCI Training Center is here to help fill that demand by certifying driven and passionate students through online IT certification classes.

Why are IT Certifications Important?

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IT Certifications are critical to getting IT-based jobs. Individuals with IT Certifications are more likely to be hired by prospective employers. Certifications demonstrate to employers that you understand the concepts and you are dedicated to your craft.

Certification also proves you have credible skills and knowledge in your chosen IT-related field, allowing you to obtain workforce-ready skills and hands-on knowledge.

This article on four reasons employers are looking for IT Certifications explains more about employers’ need for certified professionals.

This article on the 10 benefits of having an IT Certification also provides valuable information.

Why Choose CCI Training Center?

CCI Training Center has provided exceptional hands-on training in a professional learning environment for over 39 years. Students are guided every step of the way to complete their program and are prepared to pass industry certifications. CCI’s premier IT programs provide quality IT training for those looking to start a new career in this fast-growing industry or for those looking to add new skills for possible promotions. Upon graduation, CCI’s Career Services department assists graduates in seeking and securing a place of employment. In addition, students may retake classes at no additional tuition fee and all students and alumni benefit from career assistance at no additional cost. We are much more than a way to get certified. We want to help you find, secure, and thrive in the career of your dreams!

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Don't wait to get started on building the IT career of your dreams. Apply today and one of our friendly and helpful Admissions Coordinators will reach out to you!
CCI Training 40 Years Anniversary

CCI Training Center is proud to have completed 40 years in service.