How Business and Accounting Training Can Help Level Up Your Career

In as little as 7 months, you can receive the skills training you need to advance – or start – your career in business, all 100% online. Training in the essential principles ofВ business and accountingВ does more than teach you skills; it also broadens your opportunities for personal andВ professionalВ growth.
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Business and financial skills are not just for business owners or executives, theyВ benefitВ everyone at any age or stage of their career. Whether you work in a corner office, a non-profit, orВ a retail shop, understanding basic business and financial principlesВ hasВ many benefits, including:

  • Broadening potential job opportunities (including starting your own business)
  • Advancing your current career
  • Improved employability
  • TheyВ are applicableВ to every position, in every industry and field
  • A deeper understanding of successful business operations

Business vs. Financial Skills

Business and financial skills are intertwined: finance is an essential aspect of business, and businessВ skillsВ include finance.

To level up your career,В it’sВ important toВ understandВ howВ bothВ areas are valuable to your career trajectory.

You may not be a “numbers person,” but it’s irrefutable that numbers are an essential aspect of business. Even if you don’t want to pursue a career as an Accountant, the ability to understand key financial concepts is invaluable in any position.

Basic business skills can include:В 

  • Business Basics: office, retail or industrial
  • Business Functions/Components
  • Ethics in business course: explains how to be successful in your company and community
  • Customer Service
  • Workplace Communications: addresses how to work effectively with coworkers and employees of all levels, types, and personalities
  • Branch, Retail, and Department Management: what you need to know if you want to be a supervisor or manager
  • Principles for Business Success: educates on how to manage expenses and run a profitable business
  • Business Operations Management: covers how to ensure daily tasks and projects are organized and completed successfully
  • Computer skills: teaches essential technology and how to automate what you can

Basic financial skills can include:В 

  • Basic Accounting: invoicing and cash management
  • QuickBooks: how to track your money
  • Payroll Administration: how to do your own payroll

business vs accounting skills

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Get a Promotion and/or Accelerate Your Career Path

Training in business and accounting principlesВ demonstratesВ to prospective employersВ that you are dedicated to learning and committed to understanding what it takes to run a successfulВ business, at any level of an organization.

For example, if you are applying for a job as an Administrative Assistant and you understand the basics of financial reporting, you will be a significantly more attractive candidate than those who do not.

An understanding of business operations allows you to understand not just the job responsibilities, butВ howВ and whyВ these responsibilities add value to an organization.

Training in business and accounting opens more opportunities for potential career paths, whether you want to work at a company, become a freelancer or consultant, or open your own business.

It also allows you to accelerate your existing career path.В For example, if you work in retail and have had your eye on a managerial role,В a certificate in business and accountingВ vastly improves your chances of a promotion.

Soft Skills versus Hard Skills

Every effective employee or business owner needsВ proficiencyВ in both hard andВ soft skills, but what is theВ difference between the two?

Hard skills are what people typically think of when it comes to training and professional development. They are theВ demonstrableВ skills you put on a resume, like knowing Microsoft Office or QuickBooks.

Soft skills are not as straightforward to quantify,В such asВ communication, organizational,В and teamwork skills.

Employers put equal value on both, as all the hard skills in the worldВ aren’tВ worth much if soft skillsВ are notВ up to par.

A certificate in business principles for training that includes key soft skills is aВ sure-fireВ way to show employers that youВ possessВ qualities theyВ are likely to seekВ in a candidate, such as:

  • Organizational skills
  • The ability to collaborate
  • InterpersonalВ communication
  • Strong work ethic
  • Leadership
  • Problem-solvingВ abilities
  • Flexibility

Business training in both hard and soft skillsВ showВ a prospective employerВ youВ aren’tВ simplyВ sayingВ you have these qualities, but that youВ have been trained in them andВ value their importance.

Accelerated Business and Accounting Training

Accelerated training in business and accountingIT can be completed in as little asВ 28 weeksВ and set you on a path to success.

Online training allows you to have the flexibility to increase your skills whileВ attendingВ work, family, or other responsibilities. Look for online programs that prioritize collaboration between students and instructors and offerВ career service supportВ to help you land that job of your dreams once training is complete.

Written By

Martin Zandi

A committed leader in the career education industry, Martin enjoys working with the community and colleagues in further improvement and expansion of education programs to improve outcomes.

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