How a Fast-Track Career Education Benefits High School Graduates

Fast-track career training is a path many high school graduates aren't informed about, and it can be an excellent option to move toward the career of your dreams. It can be difficult to know what to do with so much uncertainty awaiting new graduates. Should you go to college? Vocational school? Should you enter the workforce right away? Join the military? Or go to school online? There are so many questions and very few definitive answers. But there is a way to experience the best of both worlds. That way is called a fast-track career education.
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A fast-track career education offers many things to the students who enroll in these programs. If you are wondering if a fast-track career education program is right for you consider what it allows. A fast-track career education program:

  • Allows high school graduates time to pin down their career interests. Many students have an idea about the industry they would like to work in but only in a general sense. By enrolling in a fast-track career education program students have time to explore career options while still working toward a viable career.
  • Trains people for real work. Tangible skills are learned in fast-track career education programs that can help a student become gainfully employed in a fraction of the time it takes college graduates to enter the workplace.
  • Learn and work at the same time. Many training programs provide classes that are fully online or offer a hybrid format of online and in-person. Many courses provide hands-on training as part of their coursework. This training is often paid for and counted toward your experience.
  • Work while saving for an advanced degree. Fast-track career education programs can be completed within weeks and will prepare you to find a job in your newfound field. Once you secure a job you can begin to save money toward an advanced degree in the field of your choice.
  • Learn from working professionals. Learning real-world skills from people working in your field is an invaluable opportunity. Not only will you learn the theory of the role but also the practical application.
  • See your industry of choice from the inside. As you work in your field you will have the opportunity to plot your career path based on inside information that you are privy to now that you are a professional in that industry. This inside view is integral to helping you make decisions about your future.
  • Bolster your college application with real-world experience. Grades and club involvement in high school are not the only aspects of a student’s profile that colleges are interested in. Experience, among other attributes, is important to the college application as well and can help form a well-rounded picture of the student’s ability to perform at the school. Work experience in the major you are selecting will augment your application especially if your grades are not at the higher range of the spectrum the school requires.
  • Network with companies that are hiring people with your skills. Academic entities that provide fast-track career education programs often have relationships with organizations that are in need of people with your skills. You may have an opportunity to apply for and gain employment even before you graduate.

Fast-track career education programs allow students the flexibility to determine which direction they would like to go in their career and earn money while doing it. CCI Training Center offers several fast-track career education opportunities in the computer, medical, accounting, and healthcare industries. If you are about to graduate or have graduated from high school and are not sure which direction you would like to go in a specific field, consider a fast-track career education program at CCI Training Center.

Written By

Joseph Weber

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