Four Reasons to Choose Business and Accounting

Administration and accounts form the backbone of any business. Without them, the entire company structure would collapse. There are as many types of positions as there are ambitions, with a fulfilling career achievable at all levels of employment.
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Business & Accounting positions require training, certification, and experience, along with attention to detail and problem solving, time management and multitasking ability. Whether you want to diversify across administration and accounting functions or specialize in one area such as payroll, accounts payable or accounts receivable, there are plenty of options available.

So how do you know if a Business and Accounting career is for you? If any of the following sounds like you, Business & Accounting may be your perfect career.

Business & Accounting

I want a fulfilling career, whether it be an entry-level position or higher management.

Business & Accounting lets you choose the career path that best suits your life ambitions. Many small businesses are looking for administration and bookkeepers to manage their office. Given the right cultural fit, these jobs can provide a satisfying career, providing job diversity, flexibility, and security for your working life.

Business management training can assist your job search, even if you have never worked before. Combine it with a few years’ experience in an administration, clerical, accounting or retail environment, and you have a recipe for career progression.

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I want to work in an industry that interests me.

Not only are Business & Accounting job opportunities varied, so too are the industries to choose from. Government departments, non-profits, big business, and small to medium enterprises, all require in-house business accounting staff. And if you don’t feel like working for someone else, you can always start your own bookkeeping service.

With Business and Accounting, you have the ability to specialize in one particular area or diversify across all administration requirements. Generally, the size of the business will decide the amount of specialization with small business requiring a larger variety of business, administration and accounting skills within a single employee. Larger companies tend to hire separate payroll, accounts payable and receivable staff for example. We will look at these differences in next week’s blog.

I want a career in a growth industry.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has predicted 11% employment growth for financial clerks and business administration to 2022, with 18% more demand for billing clerks. While positions are plentiful, a key indicator in the future will be an ability to keep up with advances in technology and training certification. Provided you want to grow with your position, learn new technology and upskill as necessary, you are sure to thrive in the office of the future.

I’m highly organized, reliable and detail-orientated.

We all know who’s really in charge in any business: its administration staff. If you enjoy being relied upon by other staff members and ensuring that everything is running smoothly, you may just have the soft skill necessary for the job. You also need to be good with numbers and be able to work accurately.

Written By

Martin Zandi

A committed leader in the career education industry, Martin enjoys working with the community and colleagues in further improvement and expansion of education programs to improve outcomes.

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