Find your ideal job by going back to school

According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Statistics (BLS), as of August 2014, 9.6 million people in the United States were unemployed. A substantial number of the unemployed are returning to school to enhance their career opportunities and help them find their ideal job. This can mean studying for a basic or advanced college degree or obtaining technical or career-oriented job training.
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A substantial number of the unemployed are returning to school to enhance their career opportunities and help them find their ideal job.

canstockphoto10981369The federal government offers several financial assistance programs for students who want to enter programs designed to train them for specific careers. In most states, this financial aid is available to those who are collecting unemployment benefits. Those who are interested in entering certificate programs while collecting unemployment benefits need to consult with the unemployment office in their state to be sure their benefits will continue while they pursue their education.

Even for those who are currently employed, returning to school can open a lot of doors, including a door to that ideal job. It is important for adults to remember that returning to school does not always mean going to a traditional school to earn a college degree. Many job certification programs make it possible for people who have never been to college, as well as those who already have degrees, to achieve their dream jobs.

For example, a career as a medical assistant offers tremendous job opportunities. According to the BLS, jobs in this field will increase by 29 percent between 2012 and 2022, a job growth that is much greater than the average. Medical assistants in general report a high level of job satisfaction. They work in many different areas. The job involves a variety of duties, ranging from direct patient contact to basic tasks involved in running any type of business office.

In an interview with U.S News & World Report, Jean Lynch, an officer in the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), stated that earning a specialized certificate within the medical assisting field only enhances job opportunities. One such specialization certificate is Medical Assisting with Nutrition and Weight Management available through the CCI Training Center.

All ancillary jobs within the medical field are expected to increase over the next few years as baby boomers age and begin requiring more medical services. Additionally, under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health care practitioners and other medical facilities are required to transition from paper records to electronic health records (EHR). That transition has begun and this is increasing the demand for Health Information Specialists.

Another ideal job deals with computer and network administration. The BLS notes that almost every business, no matter how small or large, deals with computer networks on a daily basis. The administrators have a wide range of responsibilities and authority. Those who are employed in this field report job satisfaction with an average stress level and more opportunities for job advancement than in other jobs.

The CCI Training Center offers many programs in varying disciplines for those who want to return to school to increase their chances of getting that ideal or dream job. Some programs can be completed while students are still working at their regular jobs. They may be required to attend classes on campus for a minimum amount of time every week and be able to complete the remainder of their training online.


In addition to those hyperlinked: Benefits To Returning School, Global job market data from hundreds of millions of job listings and counting.l

Written By

Martin Zandi

A committed leader in the career education industry, Martin enjoys working with the community and colleagues in further improvement and expansion of education programs to improve outcomes.

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