10 Signs It’s Time for a New Career.

Finding a well-paying job is a complex task, and better-paying jobs often require advanced career training. Even entry-level jobs may warrant a certificate of study that shows employers you have the skills necessary to work in a new career, such as health care. Unfortunately, the path to better pay, better hours and career training is not always clear. Universities take time to attend and have significant costs. However, affordable training options exist through fast-track programs, and for those who qualify, financial aid may be available. Of course, it all begins with recognizing when it is time for a new career. In fact, consider these top signs you need a new job.
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1. Money Always Seems to Run Too Thin.

The biggest indicator you need a new job is easy to recognize. You have trouble meeting minimum monthly payments for utilities, rent, groceries, and other necessities. If you cannot make enough money to support yourself and your family, it is time to think about changing careers or even going back to school.

2. You’re Bored at Work.

As explained by Monster, another key sign you need a career change is when feeling chronically bored. This is different from being bored during slow periods. If you always feel tired or bummed, it is a sign of burnout.

3. Manager Turnover Rates Are High.

Turnover rates allude to potential problems with career growth in the company. When managers are constantly leaving for greater opportunities, there is something wrong with the company, and you don’t want to be the next person leaving.

4. You Can’t Advance.

Similar to managers that leave often, an inability to apply for a managerial position means your opportunity for growth in the company has stalled. Do you really want to keep working forever in your position? Can you afford it?

5. You’ve Posted Your Resume, But You Don’t Get Calls.

Even the best writing skills can still leave something to be wanted for employers reviewing job candidates’ resumes. Unfortunately, chances are good that a pattern of submitting resumes and not receiving calls about it from employers hints at a bigger problem; you lack the skills necessary to fulfill the job. If you can’t at least get a phone call from an employer, it’s time to think about enhancing your resume with job training.

6. Hours Are Unstable or Unreliable.

Entry-level jobs in retail and restaurants often have unstable or unreliable hours. More importantly, instability in the work schedule could mean you are one missed check away from disaster. In addition, working unrealistic hours to make minimum income goals will cause problems with meeting family responsibilities too.

7. Your Family Complains About Your Job.

When work bleeds over into personal conversations with family members or friends that have a negative narrative, it’s time to find a new job. Negativity only adds to disruption in familial and social circles, and while you can handle the stress, why would you want to keep everyone unhappy?

8. You’re Losing Sleep.

Lack of sleep or disruption to routine sleep patterns is another sign you need a career change, notes the Balance Careers. Sleep deprivation or disruption can have a disastrous impact on your physical and mental health too. In fact, developing frequent headaches, physical ailments or colds can mean your physical stress is impacting your health.

9. Employers Call About Your Resume, But They Don’t Invite You for an Interview.

The right key terms in your resume can pique the interest of employers, and they may call to follow up with you. You answer the questions, but you are not asked to come in for an interview. This situation again means something is missing, the right skill set. If you do not have the skills necessary for the position, there’s no need to come in for an interview.

10. You’re Already Thinking About Finding a New Job.

When people are happy in their career, they will not be actively looking for a new job. Even a computer search for “signs you need a new job” is an indicator that your current job is not fulfilling your mental and physical needs. In fact, if you are reading this post now, it’s time to seriously think about changing careers.

Enroll in Your New Career Training Courses Now.

You’ve made the decision, so what do you have to lose? It’s time to act and think about the career options that are available to those with training in Health Information Technology, Medical Assisting or other technical careers. CCI Training Center can help you choose the program of study right for you that works with your schedule and resources. Find out more by submitting your request for information online or calling 1-972-895-7055 today.





Written By

Joseph Weber

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