CCI Training Center’s IT programs prepare you to sit for the certification exam offered in many of the classes you take in your selected program. Our industry-standard materials and instructors with real-world IT experience are the key drivers to helping you get certified FAST!
About CCI Training Center's IT Certifications
Why are IT Certifications Important?

IT Certifications are critical to getting IT-based jobs. Individuals with IT Certifications are more likely to be hired by prospective employers. Certifications demonstrate to employers that you understand the concepts and you are dedicated to your craft.
Certification also proves you have credible skills and knowledge in your chosen IT-related field, allowing you to obtain workforce-ready skills and hands-on knowledge.
This article on four reasons employers are looking for IT Certifications explains more about employers’ need for certified professionals.
This article on the 10 benefits of having an IT Certification also provides valuable information.
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Cloud Computing Technician Training
The “cloud” refers to resources hosted in a data center that you access over the internet. Rather than keeping data or operating applications on your own computer or in-house server.
Computer Network Technician
IT security refers to the measures taken to protect digital systems, networks, and information from theft, harm, or unauthorized interference.