Business & Accounting Q&A

What is a full charge bookkeeper?
A full charge bookkeeper is able to establish a chart of accounts and post entries to those accounts. They are able to analyze accounting records and prepare financial statements and other financial reports including comparing budgeted costs to actual costs.

Are there industry certifications for bookkeepers?
There are no industry certifications for bookkeepers or accountants except for the CPA which requires a college degree and experience.

What accounting software will I be able to use?
You will be able to use Quickbooks accounting software.

What job titles are used?
Bookkeeper, Accountant, Accounting Clerk, Accounts Payable Clerk, Accounts Receivable Clerk, Payroll Clerk

What do the module names mean?
Accounting For a Business Organized As A Proprietorship means setting up a chart of accounts, posting transactions properly, and doing financial statements for a business owned by one person and not incorporated.

Accounting For a Merchandising Business Organized As A Corporation means setting up a chart of accounts, posting transactions properly, and doing financial statements for a business that is incorporated and has stock.

Accounting For A Merchandising Business Organized As A Corporation – Adjustments and Valuation means making period ending adjustments to account especially on the Balance Sheet and determining a correct value for the corporation including appropriated government required reporting.

Accounting For Partnerships means setting up a chart of accounts, posting transactions properly, and doing financial statements for a business that is owned by two or more people jointly.

Recording International and Internet Sales means posting transactions properly including proper currency valuation in various currencies and accounting for proper taxation on sales over the internet.

Where will I work?
You will work in an office posting information into the computer software from invoices, bills, checks, etc. and preparing reports.

Will I need to be good at math?
Yes. You will be doing various mathematical calculations and must be very accurate and detailed.

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